If you are looking for tickets for Passion 2025 and are nervous about scams, see below some helpful tips to ensure the transfer of the tickets is valid.
Please note that it is not possible to transfer tickets securely through our system for more or less than what the current ticket price is. Tickets for Passion 2025 are $169, so $175.24 per ticket with fees included.
To purchase a ticket from someone who has offered to transfer/sell theirs, they will need to initiate it through their TicketSpice account that they created from their Order Confirmation email.
The person receiving the transferred tickets will receive an email from Passion Conferences with the subject line "[First Name Last Name] Has Invited You To Transfer Their Tickets For Passion 2025." The recipient will complete the transfer by clicking "Claim Transfer." That button will bring the recipient to the Passion 2025 Registration Page where they will see the ability to purchase tickets for January 2-4. By entering payment information and clicking "submit", the transfer is complete. Once that transaction is complete, the cost for the tickets will be refunded to the original purchaser’s account.
Once a transfer is initiated, the recipient will have 7 days to accept the transfer and pay for the ticket. If the recipient does not accept the transfer and pay for the ticket, the ticket will automatically be restored to the original purchaser's account.